Fitness Quiz Contest!
$ Fitness Quiz Contest! $ Okay, guys. A fitness quiz competition, and for the winner, a $25 gift certificate to The Vitamin Shoppe is up for grabs! ![]() Simply answer these 7 questions correctly, and the first person to submit their answers with the highest score wins! True or False questions = 1 point Bonus Question 6 = 5 points Bonus Question 7 = 10 points Careful... some are tricky. Send your answers, name and email to: Also comment on this post that you entered the contest. This contest ends at midnight EST on Monday, Oct 6. Be sure to give the email address you'd want your gift certificate sent to. You can redeem your gift certificate to The Vitamin Shoppe both online and at any Vitamin Shoppe location. Here's a look at some of what you can buy at the Vitamin Shoppe!: Open to absolutely everyone! Now, put those thinking caps on, and good luck! *****Fitness Quiz Questions***** 1. You can eat whatever you want if you exercise enough. True False 2. Abdominal exercises will flatten your stomach. True False 3. Exercise has to be strenuous to be effective. True False 4. Aerobic exercise permanently speeds up your metabolism. True False 5. The more you sweat, the more fat you'll lose. True False BONUS QUESTIONS** 6. How much cardiovascular exercise should a healthy woman do to achieve such health benefits as improved heart health and weight control? * every day for at least an hour * five times a week for 30 minutes * 15 minutes here or there, whenever she can fit it in, is good enough * three to four days a week for 30 minutes 7. How long should you work out to burn fat? (not counting your warm up and cool down period) The winner and winning answers will be announced on Tuesday, Oct 7. Good luck! **I, the publisher of this site, am not at this time in any way affiliated with The Vitamin Shoppe or any of its businesses, on or offline. |
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Hi there,
I listed your contest in my blog as a post. If you would like I can include a 125X125 in the side bar.
Blog Contest Station
sent you the quiz! fingers crossed!
I sent the quiz. tough questions
Just entered. Some questions were a little tricky.
Great questions!
Thanks for the contest.
I sent you my answers :)
I have a Vitamin Shoppe right up the road, love this prize.
verdere at gmail dot come
I sent you an email
I entered. Thanks!!
i entered.
Great questions - I wish I knew the answers as that knowledge would be great! I will pop back once the contest is over and hope that you have posted them!
I entered the quiz.
Oh no, I'm one day too late! :(
Entered the quiz too... waiitng for answers
I send you the answers to your email.
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