Why It's Taking Us So Long to Win in Iraq......
If these are the type of workouts the men and women in our armed forces are doing these days, it's no wonder we can't win in the Middle East!! ;)
Posted by
The Fitness Diva
12:46 PM
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Come on, your just spoofing us before we get a chance to get some coffee in us.
If a Marine saw this they would have these probies running miles with full dress and a 40 pound pack.
Nice try though.
I hear ya, Don! Now, drop and give me 50!! ;D
They look to be having so much fun, but I doubt if any of those clowns could run with a 40 pound pack, it would kill them!
OMG, the finger pointing pose they do cracks me up! It's like they're a bunch of girls saying "the big bad man is over THERE!! Please go beat him up for me!!!" LOL!!!!
This is just wrong in so many levels!! I have seen true marine workouts and its worth taking a shot in terms of preparing your body to extreme climates and heavy loads.
Thanks for linking that video. I dont think i've seen it till now.
At first I was entertained, but than I felt uncomfortable:
*these are not real American forces, right?*
I'm hoping I'm just stupid and gullible.
Hahaha! The video is so funny but on the other side of it, a sad truth if these are the kinds of workouts the armies would undergo.
I think that these guys are just having fun and blowing off some steam! I know a few people that were in the US Military, and trust me, the grueling workouts and training they told me about (and that I've seen myself) are no joke! Nothing at all like this video, which is a farce, of course! ;)
A friend of mine described his boot camp and basic training as "puke inducing, gut wrenching hell". They made them get up at crazy hours and run with tons of equipment on their backs, through swamps and up and down mountains, perform ridiculous physical drills to complete exhaustion..... lol. You know, the USUAL military type stuff! And that was just the women! Haaaa! But yeah, I've heard horror stories about our military training. Only the truly strong survive! ;)
These guys in the vid had better hope that their drill sergeants do not see this videos, though! There will be hell to pay, I'm sure! LOL!
That is true!!! If the sergeants found out, I would see 35 mile runs without stopping!!
haha omg! that is one funny video and super gay..
Good that those guys are having some fun. It's not good enough for the armed forces but certainly ok for a sixty-year woman like me. So thanks for the ideas.
I only lasted a few seconds watching that. lol So obviously a joke.
I agree with Don E. Chute - "you're just spoofing us before we get a chance to get some coffee in us". Well said! LMAO
nice post...i read your post first time i am really impress...i share this with my friends on my website...thanks
This will scare the Taliban off!
OMG That's hilarious! Obviously a joke...those men train incredibly hard and push their bodies to the limits every day. But a really funny video of them having fun. haha!
I shared this with a friend of mine living on a military base...he loved it. Thanks for sharing! LOL
that chick is hot
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