
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Staying Sane In These Crazy Covid Times!


Here we are, now 8 months or so into this pandemic and there really is no end in sight to the madness.  From crazy, self important Karens harassing store employees for being asked to wear a mask, to the protests that continue to go on all over the US, we certainly are in a whole new world now.  And it's not a good one!!

Unemployment is at an all time high, homelessness has reached epic proportions; not only in California, but now also in states that had nowhere near the homeless problem that more populated cities like New York, Portland and other major cities did.  Tent cities have sprung up everywhere, and their number grows daily.  Looming mortgage crisis, the Fed pumping more dollars into the system, thereby devaluing the dollar dreadfully, big name companies going bankrupt, thousands of jobs lost that will never be coming back, wholesale political unrest, a horrible presidential showdown on the horizon.... WHEW!!!

This is a lot!!!

How is a person to keep it all together with all this doom and gloom lurking just below the surface?  How can one even be optimistic about any happy future (for all) at this point?  And our poor Gen Z's.  They are not even getting to enjoy the fruits of their labor after they come out of college, because jobs they once could look forward to vying for may now be non existent or scarce.  I feel for them. I really do.  One of the most exciting times in life was breaking through those milestones in life, with everything set up right for me to do just that.  Jobs were easy to get, education was less expensive than now.  Our grads now come out of school with back breaking debt and few prospects (unless you're a tech grad, and even that is going to be competitive as hell).  I wish them all luck.

Well, here is where your real coping skills are going to have to really step it up and kick in!  While we're all waiting for the world to get back to "normal", another thing you can do to keep hope alive is to take this time to reinvent yourself and/or your life!  Those of you sitting at home now have a huge opportunity to learn new skills online, really explore your creative passions, talents, skills and abilities,  and also to try entrepreneurship.  That work from home business you've always talked about starting?  Well, here's your chance!  No excuses!  Get to it!   You have all the time in the world now.

My prescription for coping with these crazy times is this:


Self Educate


Self Motivate

TTLIL (Turn These Lemons Into Lemonade)

That's it.  Make it your habit to do a few of these each day.  The meditation is a good way to kick off your day.  It will help you set your intention for the day, and it's a mental trick that will help keep you focused and on your path.

This will be an exercise in making the best of the worst of times.  You can do this, I know you can.  I'm working on a few genius plans, myself.  Write out your ideas, form a plan, follow the steps, and do it!  Let's beat this Covid thing and not let it beat us!

For more tips, check out our new FB page:

Beautiful Health, Beautiful Life!

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