Posted by
The Fitness Diva
9:05 PM
Labels: stroller mom, wordless wednesday
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nice shot
My WW : in here Thanks
Mine in here : Miniatures and Water Tower Thanks
That's a classic example of 'killing two birds with one stone'. Haha! :D Happy WW!
Looks like a good way to get back in shape after the baby is born.
I'd love to do that (sit in the stroller and enjoy the view, I mean)
Yeah, it's really free books....
Is that you on the picture? I gotta get back to running.
okay i know it's early for me and my brain is not that what i'm supposed to be doing? probably. lol
trying to lose 20lbs, again.
Looks like a gorgeous day!
Mine is here.
That is definitely a way to stay fit. Take your kid along with you and you never have to miss a work out.
Happy WW! That is a serious fitness mom! I see where J-Lo is planning to do a triathalon less than six months after birth of her child...
I invite your blog readers to see creative finger art in honor of the Olympics on my WW-post this week...
peace, Villager
That is such a good work out!
I used to love taking walks with El like the stinker is 4 and too big! DARN! :)
An excellent way to stay fit. Nice one!
hee hee that is so the way to excercise! very cool!
thanks for stopping by my place and leaving a comment :)
I saw 5 moms all together with their strollers, doing exactly this, exercising, as a group. What a great idea!
You go, mama.
I'm with Pamela... Take me for a ride...
Nice shot though!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy WW
- Mojo
Good for her! Way to keep off that baby weight.
That looks like fun!
I am now thinking of borrowing my 2-month old grandson so I can do as that lady. Need to exercise badly....
Thank you for dropping by....
that's multi-tasking hehe!! very cool :D
I guess that's also a form of exercise! :)
Thats the way to do it!! Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)
nice bonding moments
Thank you so much for you nice comment on my blog! This is an inspiring shot and reminds me that I need to get out there and do it! Also, I would like to cordially invite you to a homemaking carnival I host every Monday...with attached giveaway! Hope to see you there!
That's a great photo!! On the move, that's for sure!!
Thanks for stopping by and happy WW!!
Well, you shot two birds with one stone. You were able to let your baby out in the sun and you got your much needed exercise. Talking about efficiency.
That's a good idea! exercise while bringing baby for a walk!
Inspirational. :) Can't say that I'm that motivated right now though.
Thanks for visitng my blog and your nice comments )))
Sorry -
great job momma!
Looks like a great way to get fit! Maybe I need to grab my grandson and go push away. :)
Thanks.I really enjoed reading your blog and I learned few things I can use.
Guess what? I have my very own stroller made just for pets! I have not been out strollering for a long time because it is very hot and humid here, even early in the morning.
I'd always wanted to be one of those moms. Instead, I turned into a gym rat and tossed my kids into babysitting.
It's not as cool, but the time to myself did me and the kids both a world of good.
There's a stroller mom that has been running around with a stroller for the past 4 years and we all agree that there are no babies in the stroller but cement bags. We have never seen her pregnant. LOL! I give her props anyway.
I don't know how people can do this (outside running).
Not only do you run past people all sweaty and icky, but you run the risk of skin cancers/wrinkles etc..
I used to run of a night, but now we are in a different neighborhood....
Gimme the treadmill anyday! :)
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