
Friday, August 14, 2009

Skating In Paris

One of these days, before I die, I'm gonna do this. I've been hearing about it for a while. Just need to go ahead and book that plane ticket! ;)

What's funniest to me is the fleet of ambulances following them. Just in case, huh?
Paris will see me and my blades someday real soon!

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Azure Accessories said...

Wow that is some Friday night skate in Paris!!! :0)

I can see where it could be a bit dangerous...all it would take is for one person to fall and it could be a huge pile up...


R3 Method Show said...

My 1st thought was that I hope no one falls too!

Wilson Pon said...

It's good to have a dream, Diva! Go chase your dream when we still have time...

FitJerk - Flawless Fitness said...

I personally love blading. Even more so than biking, so this would be pretty kick-ass.

Diva, I'll race ya!

VetTech said...

I bought roller blades about a dozen years ago and never made it out of the house with them...I really wish I had learned. Now I am too afraid of breaking something...Maybe I should load up on calcium and try again.

robert troch said...

Everyone needs to go there at least once in their life. I went to Paris in 1989 and while I didn't fall head over heels with it I still liked it and am glad I was there. Notre Dame is awesome, but stay away from the bread!

robert troch said...

Hey Diva,

I never do this since its bad etiquette but......our newest episode The Calorie Cutting Club is by far our best yet and we are so proud of it and....I just really want you to see it and tell us what you think. I hope you get a chuckle out of it!

Ish said...

I wish I could skate too in paris, I think it would be a great experience.

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Ran into one of these skates during our Paris trip, 2005. My husband and I had to sit in our cab while the skaters blew by us. They pretty much stop everything and make you wait. It was a cool thing to see and so unexpected.

I disagree with robert about the bread. Eat as much of it as you can. It's divine. You'll work it off when you get home :)

Louise | UPrinting.com said...

Is there some kind of rally or festival happening when that was filmed? I can't find any logical explanation behind that swarm of bladers skating all at the same time. It's crazy, but fun! :)

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