
Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Have We Become So Violent?

So, I'm reading yesterday about how one man stabbed this other man on the train over a subway seat, and this is just one amongst the slew of stories detailing one form of human on human violence that we are informed of each week. Is it me, or are these stories becoming far more frequent and also more mind numbingly brutal as time goes on?
Stories about people shooting up their old places of employment or schools, horrific accounts of children and even babies being raped, abused, abducted and then murdered, people kicking and beating each other to death in the streets while others just look on....
Even as a society, we are so aggressive. Everyone is tough and ready to fight. Just look at all the Youtube videos online of people just going at each other at the shopping mall or in the middle of the streets. I was looking at a vid of this grandma slapping some man and having to be pulled back from jumping him, and even though I'll admit I laughed at first, it did make me pause..... you didn't used to see stuff like that happen!!! Not from sweet little old ladies! ;)
Murderers are also becoming younger, and remorse seems to be a thing that we only read about in books. Accountability and conscience seem to be missing in so many. What the HELL is going on with the human race???
I can't remember ever in my life hearing about so many incidents of violence and murder on a daily basis. Aren't we supposed to be evolving as a species to a much higher place mentally, emotionally and intellectually?
Back when these lands were being settled, violence ran rampant as people killed off others to take land, provisions and even wives. Before there were formally civilized societies and such things as laws, I'm guessing that the more barbaric you were, the more likely you would be to survive. Violence was a way of life.
But now, we're supposed to be so far advanced beyond that. Looks to me like we're reverting back to the times of complete lawlessness, and just acting on pure brutish instinct and emotion. What do you think has happened to cause people to be so cold, callous and brutish these days?? Is it because of desensitization caused by the media? Or is it because being violent has become somewhat glorified (and yes, it has). What do you think?

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BK said...

I was thinking if such violences have become more regular or was it because media coverages are getting better and especially with the advance of technology. Imagine what happened 5 minutes ago may be uploaded in Youtube already and people from all over the world may be watching it. But I think on the whole violence seems to be on the increase. I have not the slightest idea why is that so. Could it be media? Could it be the stress caused by the economy? Could it simply be the decadence of individual's moral values?

Amelia Burton - Health and Fitness Coach said...

There absolutely has to be a link between stress and violence. To take a leaf out of Cesar Millan's book, in order to be balanced there needs to be Exercise, Discipline, Affection. Dogs who experience those three things in that order are happy and balanced.

Maybe us humans are the same. Exercise and get your violence out at the gym (on the bag!), get some discipline in your life and be affectionate, give it, get it.

Envelope Printing | UPrinting.com said...

I agree with BK, it can be the stress that each of us are facing. Unfortunately not all of us have the full capability in handling pressures and stress. Yes, I agree with Amelia, better put discipline in one's life. Go enroll yourself in Muay Thai or Boxing classes.

Cascia Talbert said...

Yes I think that violence has become glorified. Just look at the popular movies out there. The big problem in my opinion is that the traditional family in America is breaking up. Kids are watching their parents fight and split up and then they think that it is alright. Traditional values are no longer important.

heidi said...

Unfortunately there are more questions than answers on this one:(

Mike Golch said...

I have a couple of Ideas,the media glorigies the violence.thaere seems to be a lot less morality being taught.when I was growing up and I crossed a boundry there were imediate coniquences.I got my rear end warmed up real good,Now a days that is called child abuse.I was taught to respect my elders if not my betters.If I was being disres[ectful to my parents I got it for it,now a days that is called child abuse.Do you see where I'm going with this?

Azure Accessories said...

I do think violence is on the rise...as to why I'm not sure, possible part of the reason is a complete lack of respect for life and our fellow man???
A rather simplistic answer but thought provoking...

Dentists Denton said...

I think that people are getting "violent" because people are getting more pressured, stressed and being forced to do things at their limits, which is not a good thing in this highly capitalized economy. Even though we are following some code of morality and ethics, and we have learned them while we are growing from our parents, teachers and other people that has a great influence to us, it will still be possible.

home value said...

violence, aggression are things that you have to keep them silent. because most of the time it will create a problem for you. especially if you are high profile person you have to control your aggression because if you made a silly mistake in aggression than it will effect your image,

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Hey you had covered a good topic...The blog post is giving good social message...All the comments are also very good...Keep up the good work.

product liability law said...

The people had simply become sick and tired of the blatant abuse and apathy they had suffered at the hands of the aristocracy for so long. The American revolution, for instance, wasn't quite so bloody because at least the American colonists usually had enough to eat when under British rule.

robert troch said...

Maybe it's......who am I kidding. I don't have any answer for it. It does seem to me though that based on history humans have remained basically the same for thousands of years

The Fitness Diva said...

BK, the media coverage of it could be what's bringing it more to our attention, but also I can't help but to feel the agression more these days when I'm out amongst people, just commuting and such. It really seems to me that we we're a lot nicer once upon a time. People don't even say excuse me and thank you any more.

Amelia, I didn't think of the stress angle. That idealogy of Cesar Milan's is actually pretty spot on. Those 3 things are what human need also, in a nut shell.

Sense of Health said...

People nowadays need directions, needs somebody that can guide them. People nowadays rotten inside. We need to think whether our way of life is on the right path. Otherwise, there will be a morality issues and many many more issue will lead to.

Robinsgothealth.com said...

The reason being...a sad one, but true...Violence sales and it will continue to if we keep feeding it.

Custom Labels said...

It does seem like things are getting worse...what happened to having a conscience or solid morals?

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