
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Join Me on Dick's Sporting Goods Starting Lineup contest and My $50 Gift Card Giveaway!

Yes, another giveaway, and the gifts will keep on getting bigger! ;)

Dick's Sporting Goods is running a contest on Twitter called 'The Starting Lineup'. What you can win is a chance to get to be the test dummies for new fitness products (free stuff!) and also to be on Dick's online panel of experts, among other things.
The Fitness Diva is running a contest for a $50 gift certificate to Dick's Sporting Goods, so you have two ways to win here. As summer will soon be here, do not miss out on the chance to possibly win some cool free fitness stuff! You're gonna need it! ;)

-- The specifics: --

What does it mean to be on the “Starting Lineup”?
• A chance to try out and preview new products
• A spot on an online panel of experts for one season (for approximately 3 months)
• Access to exclusive online surveys
• A chance to sound off on all things sports

Here are THE RULES to enter The Starting Lineup:

• Follow http://twitter.com/dickssportcmo.
• Vote for yourself (or someone else) by telling @dickssportcmo who should be on the "Starting Lineup" and why. Sample Tweet: “@dickssportcmo my vote is for @TwitterID because...”
• Recruit others to do the same.
• You can only vote for the same person once per day, but you can vote for multiple people in the same day.

*Make sure you're following @dickssportcmo or your vote won't count! ---->http://twitter.com/dickssportcmo.
The 10 nominees with the most votes by March 31, 2010 win.

-- Rules for the $50 giftcard giveaway: --

Comment on this post and tell me these 3 things:

Who's your favorite athlete
What's your favorite form of exercise
What would you do if you won the $50,000,000 lottery -that's fifty million- (and don't get all Miss America on me, claiming that you'll spend it on world peace or saving the whales). What would you REALLY do with it?? ;)

I will pick a winner from the 10 most creative answers to the fifty million dollar question, randomly, probably out of a hat! My contest ends also on 3/31/10. My winner will be announced on the 1st of April.

Go on Twitter now and enter Dick's contest here: The Starting Lineup.
Don't forget to come back and compete for my $50 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods.

Good luck, and thanks for entering!

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plin said...

My favorite athlete is Wayne Gretzky.

My favorite form of exercise is a competitive basketball game.

If I win $50 million lottery, I will buy a sporting team (either baseball or basketball) so I can truly experience what it is like to manage a team.

ironnsimba said...

Athlete: Arnie
Exercise: pullover
£50m: buy an island and retire to the sun with a broadband satellite connection and a yacht for island hopping.

black said...

if i won the lottery, then i will build a Church and Mosque for great humanity.

and i hot i will win the contest.

Maggie Smith said...

My favorite athlete of all time: Brett Favre (don't tell my friends I said that, ok?!) He is hot and talented!

Favorite exercise is pilates

If I won $50 million dollars I would be wise and invest most of it. I would set aside money for my children's college education first and foremost. My husband and I decided that we are only going to have 2 children because it would be selfish to have more. We really don't have a lot of money and we want to be able to give our children all that they need and want.

I would definitely get pregnant again if I won the lottery. It would be like 2 wins in one! I would also make special time to take family vacations because family is so very important to me. Thanks for the opportunity to win! It will help me buy my little one his first pair of skates!

newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com

coach outlet store online said...

wow!!! really nice blog.. seriously speaking your writing style is very interesting.. keep on posting dudue...

The Fitness Diva said...

I am announcing the winner on April 1st. Thanks for playing! ;)

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