
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Time to Just Quit

I don't know about where you live, but here in New York it has become increasingly difficult for smokers of cigarettes and cigars to smoke freely wherever they go.
A few years ago, a law was passed that prohibited smoking in restaurants, bars and public enclosed areas like malls and airports. That was just the beginning...
After that, a huge tax was placed on cigarettes, and smokers here saw a pack go from $3, to $7, and now as high as $10. Who the hell in their right mind would pay $10 for a pack of cigarettes??? Well, undeterred by these outrageous cig prices, there are apparently plenty out here who will and do. They've just GOT to have those cigs, no matter what. Must be a hard spot to be in! Just think about how much money that adds up to a year (depending on how much you smoke)!

Well, look out yet again, New Yorkers! Our mayor Mike Bloomberg is now trying to pass a law that will prohibit you all from smoking in city parks and other designated outdoor places! If I was a smoker, I'd be damned mad! After all, as a legal adult, it is your right to smoke even though it's unhealthy as hell, right?

Well, here's yet another reason for you to quit smoking!! Yes! You are becoming a target and a most endangered species in the city of New York! But ya know what? That's in its own way a GOOD thing! ;)

Just think of all of the benefits of quitting smoking RIGHT NOW:

Longer life expectancy

Less threat of getting lung, throat, mouth cancer and emphysema

Saving a ton of money

Being able to participate in sports and exercise without feeling like you're gonna pass out!

No longer having to sneak out of work in the cold and huddle outside your work building for those little smoke breaks while freezing your tootsies off!

No longer being made to feel like a pariah and an outcast because of your addiction to nicotine!

So...... there ya go. There is no better time than now to just quit that crazy habit. I know that I sure would if I were you! ;)

Also, you can take that money you save and invest in a gym membership, buy you some snazzy gym duds and get even healthier. Or even just take the cash you save and enjoy a lovely vacation sometime in the year...
In the end, it's just a win - win situation all the way around!

Just a thought..... no pressure now. ;)

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BK said...

Over here in Singapore it is almost the same. There were laws passed to ban smoking in restaurants, pubs and malls etc. Now even in sheltered car park. I understand that an individual has the right to smoke, and yet another individual also has the right to breathe in clean air. The best option is to quit. :)

jacqueline said...

Sorry smokers. My dad smoked for many years and as a contact lens wearer, I suffered. I'm happy that smoking is now banned in most public places, even here in Georgia.

I love the way you laid this out Fitness Diva!! Excellent job.:-)

One Creative Queen said...

As someone who smokes - and has tried to quit about a zillion times, using every method known to man - I am outraged...but at the same time, understanding.

I started smoking back when the horrid results were just being discovered. But by then, I was hooked. I've smoked 2/3 of my life - and even though I want to quit, it isn't a "walk in the park". (Apparently, New Yorkers will feel that on 2 fronts now.)

It sucks to smoke - and I have ridden my kids for years that they'd best not start, or I'd pull their tongues out. I sure wish I hadn't - and I'd give anything to quit. Here in Colorado, cigarettes are $5-$6/pack - and about $50/carton. I don't have the money for that...but has that made me quit? Nope. I'll do anything to find the money.

It's really sad - and I hate it. HATE it. But in all honesty? Banning it in all these places doesn't make a smoker want to quit (that has to come from inside) - it just makes me not go to those places. And it lowers a smokers self-esteem. Which doesn't help them want to quit.

If I were a non-smoker, I would NOT want to have smoke around me. (I don't want it around me now.) But laying down the smokes isn't as easy as it seems - no matter how desperate you are to quit. xx

James | Postcard Printing said...

Cigarettes smoking is dangerous to your health. So stop it before its too late. But you can still drink hehehehehehe.

Wilson Pon said...

Diva, my uncle and several friends were cancer patients and have been subsequently passed away since years ago, thanks to the cigarettes!

I personally hated those smokers and that's why, I support the New York's mayor suggestion wholeheartedly.

FitJerk - Flawless Fitness said...

It's a good thing, but on principal it's also a pretty stupid thing.

Again, that's on principal.

I mean comon, you're gona tell a grown man (or woman) what the hell to do on their free time at a park, in the open air when they aren't actually bothering anyone? It's a little bit much.

If they want to take that sh*t outside and smoke themselves to death, why pass a law that puts them through agony. And why are we trying to "protect" them. They're grown human beings with enough intelligence to make a conscious choice. This is what bothers the sh*t outa me.

But in the end though... HELL YES to (slightly) cleaner air.

Neo said...

Yes I don't smoke because I simply don't like the taste of that cigar. Otherwise I'm not that health freak.
Anyway I support this law because passive smoking is more harmful than active smoking.


Azure Accessories said...

This to me is a very strong human rights issue that most people are not really looking at, everyone is thinking of the health issues, which of course is a good thing but what about the smokers rights as a human being...having said that I quit smoking in 1989.

I feel very strongly that the government should not have the right to stop people from smoking in a park or out side area, if they want to designate a specific area of the park or open area for smoking fine...but to ban smoking all together is unfair to smokers, who have the right to smoke as it is not illegal...next thing you know they will be banging people form smoking in their own homes...

Don't get me wrong...I understand all the health issues here...but for me it is about completely taking away the rights of people who are not doing anything illegal...not a good thing!!!

Politicus said...

At the same time, all kinds of pollutants - much more numerous and dangerous than cigarette smoke - are still tolerated.

Banning smoking everywhere would only make sense if vehicle exhaust, power plant emissions and crappy, adulterated foods were banned as well.

Anonymous said...

me don't know how it feels,coz i don't smoke, when it comes to quit smoking. but my dad did so... he quite it n now he is happy and healthy..

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The Fitness Diva said...

BK, I didn't know that they had these laws in Singapore. I guess we're not the only ones! I know that I would definitely be trying to quit after all this hassle.

Jacqueline, I'm glad it's banned in most enclosed places, but come on! You should be able to at least smoke walking down the street if you want to! I'm betting that is what's next... a law banning smoking anywhere outside your house. You do have to feel sorry for those that are really addicted....

Creative Queen, I know how hard it is. I'm an ex smoker, myself. I had to try 4 times before finally getting it. Training as a boxer really helped me, because to have to go in there and do that two hour training felt like hell with nicotine and tar in my lungs.
Thank God I took up that hobby! It made me put those cigs down quick! ;)

Mike Golch said...

1) I quite long ago (1994)

2)Ohio has banned smoking in bars and resturants.

One Creative Queen said...

Hmmm boxing? I'd love to take that up - but my ridiculous health problems put the kabosh on everything like that. :( However, I've been thinking a lot about your post.

I totally agree with Azure Islands Designs - on principle. It's pretty ridiculous to treat smoking like it's illegal...when it isn't. (I don't see the government balking at spending all the tax dollars associated with it!)

I also think Politicus makes a great point.

However, I still want to quit. I wish I could find a method that works...and it's frustrating to want to quit and not do it. Or not be very successful at quitting. It will happen - but NOT because the government tells me I can't smoke here or there.

Thanks for such a thought provoking post. It's made me think. :)


VD said...

Ive been trying to quit smoking for years now....I always seem to only last for months at a time then im right back on...Ive tried patches and hypnosis and still no results. I guess your willpower has to be at its highest state...Great Post...Im a native New Yorker as well and the prices here are ridiculous.

heidi said...

I live in Kansas City and you can't smoke in most bars and eateries but outside and patios are still okay. I am so glad I have never been a smoker.

Height Increase said...

Yes I am in a country where cigarette is not allowed in bars.

Lover Boy said...

That's really cool since the local government has stepped up to help the smokers' health and for them to change ways. If they can't realize that smoking is unhealthy, then the mayor is here to tell them it is.

Have a great day!

John @ Family, Fitness and Finances said...

My dad passed away last year from emphysema caused by years of smoking. I quit about 12 years ago. That was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am glad to see the bans on smoking that are spreading across the country.

online auctions said...

Great title , we must quit to the things that bad to our health. Great post.

djmadmike said...

theses days it really just loks weird when people smoke...not cool....not cool at all

Zsolt | TryHoodia said...

It's good to see smoking is banned in more and more public places. I really hate when someone smoking around me.

And really hate to see smoking moms holding their 4-5 years old kid's hand... :s

Suzanne said...

Haven't smoked in seven months, but still not feel like a non-smoker, though...

Glad that I'm healthier now, and can do things without needing a break and go outside.
But missing it every day as well. Now there is no excuse to take a break and go outside....

Bands said...

I also against with smoking and it should be ban from public places.

Timo said...

I am very happy that smokers have less chances to smoke whereever they want. I absolutly hate it and I will never start smoking. Furthermore it doesn't fit someone who's making sports nearly every day.

Heather said...

I live in Canada, and here our cigarettes are $10-$15 a pack. Not that I'd know personally, I've never smoked a day in my life!
Good advice all around. Great blog!

vize said...

I started smoking back when the horrid results were just being discovered

Brochures said...

I am aware of the situation in Singapore. I think they even put on pictures of damage lungs on the cigarette pack just to scare off anyone who plans on buying the stuff.

I guess it boils down to respecting the people around. So please smokers, respect those who don't want to inhale your filthy smoke. :D

Colloidal Silver said...

Interesting idea by Mr. Bloomberg. I think many people will view this as an infringement on their civil liberties, but I think that with all the information that we now have about cigarette smoke this is definitely a viable option. I think this is more to protect the non-smokers that may be in the parks more than anything.

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Custom labels said...

I just really don't get the desire to smoke...I've honestly never tried it (yes I know in that I'm a minority) but I just never got it. It gives you bad breath, it causes cancer, it stains teeth, and you're gonna pay a fortune for that??! I have no problem with them making it more difficult for smokers...maybe it'll be what it takes to encourage more people to quit.

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